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  • jinnettesmith

My Investment in Self-Care For 2023: An Organized Home

Updated: Jan 29, 2023

Can you believe it?! We’re already at the end of January 2023- which happens to be National Get Organized (GO) Month.

As with almost everyone else I had a resolution coming into 2023: self-care. But mine isn’t as much a New Year’s resolution as it is a (December) birthday promise to myself.

I promised myself that I'd take care of me: work out at least 3 times per week, meal planning, skincare, spend more time with friends, more date nights with the hubby, and .… an organized home.

I can already hear you saying “Wait, what? C’mon, I’m sure you already have a super organized home?! You’re an organizer” I hear this all the time from clients. But with total transparency, no I do not! Like everyone else’s home, mine is lived in. And well with the past 3 years we’ve had, hubby moving his office to home permanently and an active 4 years old running around, home is just organized. Though, it’s finally getting back to where I want it to be.

That said, even the queen of Tidying Up herself Marie Kondo admits to not always having a tidy home. She had to learn to just enjoy being a mama and spending time with her family as they enjoyed their space. The key is to implement little things in your daily routines to help make maintenance easier.

Don’t Judge Me

I've learned a long time ago to never compare my home to the Pinterest-perfect photos and reels I see on social media. We will only see an edited version of reality.

My sincerest hope for any homeowner is that they never feel ashamed or intimidated to reach out to an organizer. We are not Pintrest-perfect. Organizers have responsibilities, families, homes, and that one space we’d rather others not see just like everyone else. So there’s never any judgment.

Essential Workers?

During the pandemic, when it was finally safe to go out into clients’ homes again, we home organizers found ourselves swamped. Families were actually living in their homes, ALL at the same time: parents, kids, grandparents, and all other forms of relations. Families began to see just how much clutter they had in their homes and that they needed to create more space for them to live comfortably. They also realized that they needed the help of an organizer to guide them toward the organized home they envisioned.

It’s been a busy 3 years y’all!

Ask any group of organizers and most will tell you that we wish we could have put as much time into organizing our own homes as we did our clients’. But honestly, we love what we do. We wouldn't have it any other way. Pouring our all into clients' homes, and transforming lives simply brings us joy!!!

My Investment in Self-care

This is where the self-care part of organizing my home comes in: organizing brings me joy!!! In 2023 I’ll be more intentional about getting my home back to where I want it to be. That way at the end of a busy day I can truly sit back and enjoy spending time in my lived-in organized space with my family.

I heard it said that investing in an organized home is investing in self-care! So very true. The feeling homeowners get when a space is transformed from cluttered to organized is incredible. It’s a mental shift. Once the physical clutter is gone so is the mental clutter.

That said, even the queen of Tidying Up herself Marie Kondo admits to not always having a tidy home. She had to learn to just enjoy being a mama and spending time with her family as they enjoyed their space. The key is to implement little things in your daily routines to help make maintenance easier.

If you’d like to do your own self-care by taking on some organizing projects yourself, I’ve got your back. Depending on the level of disorganization in your own home, there are some steps you need to take to get to that tidy home without overwhelm.

I've Been Featured in...

When I was asked to collaborate on an article by Redfin called 30 Organizing Tips to Maintain a Tidy Home I did not hesitate because I knew that for many, hiring an organizer isn't possible because of budget restraints, etc.. Or because the thought of having someone over in their space is terrifying. This article can help.

If you have a bigger project, to get the ball rolling tip #8 is pretty good if I do say so myself ;) From the first step, decluttering your home, to the last, maintaining your organized home, this article is full of gems from organizers all over the country that will help you maintain that lived-in but tidy space.

More transparency y’all? Another wait, what?! moment here…..

I do not know everything about organizing or keeping my home tidy!

Shocking isn’t it?

All kidding aside. I learn from other organizers AND my clients every day and I’d like to think they learn from me as well. So for the rest of Get Organized Month (and 2023), I’ll be taking a couple of the pointers from the other organizers featured and implementing them in my own home.

What About The Other Promises I Made to Myself?

Well….for the workouts I got myself an accountability partner, my girl Lauren, personal trainer @luvcoachL. I vowed at least 3 workouts per week and I've been good so far. Mostly. Again, don't judge me! :) #roadto50

Everyday skincare and makeup application go to my girl Markesha @clarkbeauty . She’s an amazing make-up artist y’all. Remember my maternity photos? She. Did. That!!! I intend to have that au natural glow come my next birthday.

Meal planning, hubs and I are crushing it. Which kinda, sorta ties into more date nights 'cause we love cooking together. So some of those dates will be at our newly organized home, cooking some special meals.

I have been looking for some ideas on cool, daytime dates though. Any suggestions for me?

How about you what have you been working on for 2023?

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Or are you like me, just resolve to do better this time around?

What promises have you made to yourself for 2023?

Whatever you do just have fun, and take care of YOU!

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